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Good Angels, Bad Angels

Who are these supernatural beings appearing throughout history? How can we know if their messages can be trusted?

By Antonella Pedley

Millennia ago a war was waged in heaven between the forces of good and evil. This battle and its outcome are briefly described in Revelation 12:7–9. The losers, Satan and the evil angels, retreated to Earth, where they commenced a regime of rebellion against heaven. Through deception, they usurped Adam and Eve’s dominion and sought to enlist human beings as allies in their war against the Creator. An intense struggle between good and evil still continues on Earth.

When the Son of God came to Earth as a man, evil angels sought to overcome Him. Failing this, they instigated His murder. Yet through His resurrection, Christ conquered even their dominion of death.

Soon Christ will return for the remnant of humanity who remain loyal to God and bring an end to the perpetual cycle of evil.

Evil angels know that their time is short and are perfecting their deceptive strategies

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About the author

Antonella Pedley is a former associate editor of Last Generation who now lives in Horby, Sweden, with her husband and two children. She holds an MA in ancient religions from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
