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Turmeric vs. Leading Indigestion Medication

A new study has found that turmeric may be an effective treatment for dyspepsia (indigestion, including occasional heartburn).

Turmeric has traditionally been used in Southeast Asia, while in the US, doctors often recommend omeprazole (also known as Prilosec and Losec), a proton-pump inhibitor (PPI), to reduce stomach acid when a person is experiencing stomach discomfort.

The study found curcumin and omeprazole to be equally effective at reducing dyspepsia with no added benefit in combining them.

While PPIs lose their effectiveness over time, turmeric does not. However, for some people, turmeric may irritate the gut, and it is not recommended for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Also, it should not be used for IBS, constipation, diarrhea, or gastritis and should not be combined with blood thinners or antidepressants.

Turmeric May Be as Good as OTC Drug Omeprazole for Treating Indigestion,Healthline,, Sept. 15, 2023.

“Normal” Body Temperature is Personal

Most of us can recite 98.6°F as the normal human body temperature, but it turns out there is no such thing. A new study by Stanford Medicine scientists found that normal body temperature varies from person to person.

Researchers found that adults have normal temperatures ranging from 97.3°F to 98.2°F, with an overall average of 97.9°F. Men tended to have lower temperatures than women. Temperatures decreased with age, decreased slightly with height and increased with weight. The factor with the most influence, however, was time of day, with temperatures coolest in the early morning and warmest around 4 pm.

“Individualized benchmarks could make body temperature a more accurate and useful vital sign,” the study author said.

Normal body temperature is personal, Stanford Medicine researchers find,Stanford Medicine: News Center,, Sept. 5, 2023.

Best Time to Exercise?

We all know exercise is vital to our health and well-being, but when is the best time for it?

Morning benefits:

  1. You’ll begin your day with endorphins and an accomplished feeling.
  2. A study showed that on days participants exercised in the morning, they also increased their physical activity throughout the day compared with days they didn’t exercise early.
  3. Exercising in the morning increases metabolism, meaning you’ll continue to burn calories throughout the day as you consume them.

Evening benefits:

  1. Your body temperature increases throughout the day, optimizing your muscle function and strength, enzyme activity, and endurance for performance.
  2. Your heart rate and blood pressure are lowest in the late afternoon, which decreases your chance of injury while improving performance.

Confused? Experts say what really matters is finding a time of day that works for you and then sticking with it!

What’s the Best Time of Day to Exercise?,Healthline,, Apr. 3, 2018.

Night Owls, Beware of Diabetes!

A new study has found that “night owls” (people who usually stay awake past midnight) may face a much greater chance of developing diabetes than “early birds.”

In an analysis of 63,000 subjects, “evening people” had a 72 percent greater risk of diabetes. They were also likely to drink more alcohol, have a low-quality diet, get fewer hours of sleep, and be smokers. In addition, their weight and physical activity rates were more likely to be in an unhealthy range.

“Overall, the night owls were 54 percent more likely to have an unhealthy lifestyle compared to the early birds,” says the lead study author. “After we account for health factors such as weight, physical activity and diet, however, their diabetes risk drops from 72 percent to 19 percent. This means that much of the increased risk is due to their unhealthy habits.”

Night Owls Have Significantly Higher Diabetes Risk, Study Says,Everyday Health,, Sept. 12, 2023.

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