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Windows on the Creator


The seahorse—a small but beautiful sea creature—only survives by hanging onto something more stable than itself.

By Jean LeBlanc

Although not very large, seahorses are one of the most beautiful of underwater creatures. Their changing pallet of colors functions to camouflage them from both predators and prey.

Ranging in length from approximately ½ inch to a foot, (1.5 to 35 cm),1 their hunting success rate exceeds 90 percent, higher than that of even the great white shark.2 This is just as well, since seahorses need to eat constantly—mature seahorses can enjoy a meal up to 50 times a day! Younger ones can put away up to 3,000 morsels every day, which can include mysid shrimp, plankton, and larval fish.3

Along with being beautiful and successful, seahorses also have an interesting birth story that no other sea invertebrate can lay claim to: their fathers give birth to them. Further, when babies are born, they are fully formed and independent. They make their homes in the seagrass beds and feel safest when holding onto a piece

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  1. “Seahorse,” Wikipedia,, last modified Nov. 20, 2023.

  2. Real Science, “The Insane Biology of: The Seahorse,” YouTube video, 0:40–1:43,, Sept. 24, 2022.

  3. Geoffrey Migiro, “What Do Seahorses Eat?,” WorldAtlas,, Mar. 19, 2019.

  4. “Kingdom of the Seahorse,” PBS,, Apr. 15, 1997.

  5. See note 2, 1:58–2:08.

  6. Priscilla J. Owens, “Will Your Anchor Hold?,” 1882, in the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal (Review and Herald, 1985), hymn 534.

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About the author

Jean LeBlanc writes from Dover-Foxcroft, Maine. She enjoys reading, digital drawing, and spending time outdoors. 
