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Lessons From the Early Years of Jesus

The Son of God spent most of His short earthly life in quiet service to his family and community.

By Ellen G. White

The childhood and youth of Jesus were spent in a little mountain village. There was no place on earth that would not have been honored by His presence. The palaces of kings would have been privileged in receiving Him as a guest. But He passed by the homes of wealth, the courts of royalty, and the renowned seats of learning, to make His home in obscure and despised Nazareth.

Quiet Years Full of Lessons

Wonderful in its significance is the brief record of His early life: “The child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon Him.” In the sunlight of His Father's countenance, Jesus “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52. His mind was active and penetrating, with a thoughtfulness and wisdom beyond His years. Yet His character was beautiful in its symmetry. The powers

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About the author

Ellen G. White (1827–1915) was a Christian educator, speaker, and author whose inspirational writings have been translated into 100 languages. Adapted from The Desire of Ages, “As a Child,” pp. 68–74.
