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Life of Faith

When Life Falls Apart

How do we learn to trust God in overwhelming difficulties?

By Frank R. Lemon, MD

Into almost every life comes a time of trouble that overwhelms. When I was young, I thought that was my time. While I was in the midst of a prolonged illness, my parents died, my fiancée deserted me, and I was left alone without resources or support in very troubled seas—but that was nothing!

In midlife it really happened to me. My professional career was derailed. With it went a certain measure of job security and a planned future. I was faced with undertaking a new role—somewhere down the scale. Deep personal trouble developed and persisted in my family. Effective communication between husband, wife, and children was disrupted. Certain friendships failed. Indebtedness and financial overextension threatened to founder our troubled home.

At that crucial moment I was seized with an agony of pain originating from an old back injury. Most nights, I could not sleep. Hope of

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