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March/April Issue: Resilience

Last Generation // February 28, 2020

At the mention of the word “stress,” we nod in unison because we all have been there at one time or another.  We are daily confronted with stressors in our crazy work schedules, strained relationships, ill health, a struggling loved one, a turbulent spiritual life, or even demands in ministry. Abuse experienced in childhood can also leave festering emotional wounds or scars that last a lifetime.

But what is it that keeps us going? What is it that enables us to pick ourselves up and recover after we stumble and fall flat on our faces? What is it in the human psyche that gives us the amazing ability to rebound from life’s major traumas and challenges?

Resilience is the answer! And that’s why we’ve honed in on this topic in our March/April issue. The articles are crafted to point us to God as the source of this kind of resilience in every difficult and painful situation.

 Learn how you can develop resilience through spiritual strategies, such as prayer, Bible promises, community and social support, service, and much more.

Bible stories and contemporary testimonies of people who found God to be a refuge and a very present help in their times of trouble are also featured. These individuals were able to surmount insanely difficult circumstances by standing on the promises of God!

You will also find tools and pointers for maintaining optimum mental and physical health when faced with situations that call for a resilient spirit.

So, get your copy today! Call (540)-672-5671 or email to subscribe or place your order.

Bulk prices are as follows:

1,200 magazines: $0.50 each
300 magazines:  $0.60 each
100 magazines: $0.75 each
25 magazines: $0.80 each

And once your soul has been nourished by these truths, remember to pass the word on to friends, family, and even strangers you may meet!

Would you like to share the magazine with someone overseas? The digital edition is a delightful option as they can receive it right in their inbox upon subscription at no shipping cost!

Finally, check out our weekly podcast featuring a select article from the issue throughout the two-month period.

A blessed time reading!
