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The Law and the Covenants

The old covenant promises were ratified by the blood of animals; the new covenant promises, by the death of Christ.

How to Have a New Covenant Relationship with God

All of us are invited to be part of God’s New Covenant people—spiritual Israel.

Who Are the 144,000?

Are they literal Jews from the twelve tribes of Israel?

From Persecutor to Apostle

A converted Pharisee named Saul once hated Christians so vehemently that he orchestrated their deaths.

The Battle of Armageddon

Is it a final battle in the Middle East or something much bigger?

God Has Only Had One Church

What do Jesus, James, John, Jude, Mark, Matthew, Peter, and Paul have in common?

That Pocket Bible

My life was never the same after someone gave me my first Bible.

Losing the Light

Bible reading dropped off steeply during the pandemic and hasn’t recovered. Why?

Spirit and Life

Jesus didn’t just know the Scriptures—He depended on them for His very life!
