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When I Consider the Heavens

The God who calls millions of stars by name knows your name too!

Why Trust the Bible?

The Bible's predictions, stellar medical advice, and unfailing promises speak not only to its divine authorship, but also to you and me personally.

Is the Bible Still Relevant for Our World?

Ahead of Their Time

The Bible's health principles are still at the forefront of preventing chronic disease and pandemics.

A Superior Morality

The Bible’s morality is based on love and impartial justice—unlike anything else written at its time.

Bizarre Laws and Backward Practices

Does the Bible condone slavery, polygamy, and other primitive practices?

The Trial of Jesus

An allegory based on the gospels

The Internal Witness of the Gospels

The four Gospels provide plenty of solid reasons to trust their historical accuracy.

He Is Risen!

Examining the New Testament’s most audacious claim
