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The Last Word

End-Time Lessons from the Fiery Furnace

Soon, another image will be erected and another decree to worship human authority will be enforced upon pain of death.

By Betsy Mayer

The Bible contains the story of three young Hebrew captives whose devotion to Jehovah and His law threatened the most powerful king of the ancient Middle East. Risking death, they chose to honor God. 

The king had commanded them and other high-ranking officials from his vast realm to attend the dedication service of an enormous golden idol.  A fiery furnace awaited those who wouldn’t worship the image.

Earlier, the God of heaven had favored the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar with a dream of the world’s successive kingdoms—represented by a great image of cascading inferior metals, right down to the iron legs and toes. The dream ended when a heavenly stone smashed the image and replaced all human kingdoms with an eternal kingdom.

“You are the head of gold,” the king was told. But the dream rankled his pride. He would build a statue of 

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About the author

Betsy Mayer is the managing editor of Last Generation magazine.
