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Life of Faith

“I Am The Truth”

Every doctrine and verse of the Bible revolves around Jesus—the Bible’s great center.

By Cody Francis

It was not easy making our way to the Congolese village of Kimolo. The morning river crossing was long behind us by the time the hot afternoon sun gave way to a tropical thunderstorm. We then slogged through the dark jungle in a drizzle. By the time we finally arrived at Kimolo, we were wet, hungry, and tired after an all-day march. But no one was expecting us—we had arrived before our advance messenger!

The next morning, the chiefs called the village together under the central tree. We shared why we had come—to bring the good news of Jesus’ soon return, and that we must prepare to meet Him with joy.

Afterward, a man who actually owned a Bible read John 17:3: “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.” He stated that we did not

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About the author

Cody Francis is the ministerial director for the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
