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Tell Of His Power

It Must Have Been an Angel!

Short stories of heavenly intervention in modern life

An Angel in Uniform

During the communist regime in Bulgaria, a Christian, Mr. Dimitrov, worked secretly to produce as many Christian books as possible. Pastor Marinov did the translations and Dimitrov set the print.

The work was slow and risky. Although they played loud communist music to muffle the noise of their typewriters, the state security soon discovered them. One day, two young officers broke in on them during a typing session. Holding 9mm guns to their heads, they said: “Be prepared to face the maximum penalties.”

Possession of a single religious book meant three to five years in prison. Printing and distributing religious literature earned a sentence at a high-security prison camp or death.

Just then, a third man, wearing the uniform of a high-ranking state security officer, entered. Dismissing the young officers, he stated, “I’ll handle the situation from here.”

Dimitrov will never forget what happened next

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