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Healer, Teacher, Savior

The Great Physician

“Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows.” Isaiah 53:4

Many of those who came to Christ for help had brought disease upon themselves, yet He did not refuse to heal them. And when virtue from Him entered into these souls, they were convicted of sin, and many were healed of their spiritual disease as well as of their physical maladies.

Among these was the paralytic at Capernaum. This paralytic had lost all hope of recovery. His disease was the result of a sinful life, and his sufferings were embittered by remorse.

Then he heard of others who, as sinful and helpless as he, had been healed, and he was encouraged to believe that he, too, might be cured if he could be carried to the Savior.

He besought his friends to carry him on his bed to Jesus. But so dense was the crowd that

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