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Windows on the Creator

Revive Me!

What can you learn from a bouquet of wilted flowers?

By Betsy Mayer

“I thought we should try to enjoy the last moments of these flowers,” my friend Teresa said as she handed me a limp arrangement of wilted roses, a tired orange daisy, and a disheveled yellow spider chrysanthemum. The only thing that seemed to be living was the added greenery, which made the flowers look even sadder.

“Where did these come from?” I quizzed.

“Ally bought them for me four days ago but didn’t have a chance to give them to me until today, and then they spent all day in a hot car.”

I inwardly winced. I knew her friend Ally wasn’t a flower lover. But knowing how much Teresa likes flowers, she must have purchased them earlier in the week to show her affection with no real knowledge of how to care for them in the interim.

“Well, maybe putting them in water will revive them,” I

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About the author

Betsy Mayer is the managing editor of Last Generation magazine.
