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The Last Word

Your Defense Against Beautiful Lies

The truths of God’s Word are your only defense against Satan’s dangerous deceptions.

By Betsy Mayer

The Bible records that sin came through deception—Satan, disguised as a wise serpent, told Eve a crafty lie and she believed him. See Genesis 3. But the only way for a lie to survive is by telling more lies. To his lie “You will not die!” Satan added a whole string of deceptions that laid the foundation for his systematic attack on truth.

The wages of sin is not death, but a higher existence: Satan promised Eve that eating the forbidden fruit would give her godlike powers and accused God of withholding an exhilarating experience from His earthly children.

Nothing has changed. We are surrounded by a culture that scoffs at those who seek to live godly lives and glamorizes those who live in open rebellion to God’s commands. When celebrated sinners die, they are visualized as enjoying eternal bliss in the presence of God.

A soul exists apart

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