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Category: Health Tips

Two Minutes of Exercise to Sharpen Your Mind!

Looking for ways to improve your mental acuity? Try a little exercise. Researchers in Sweden analyzed 13 studies that looked at the connection between exercise and the brain. They discovered that as little as two minutes of cardiovascular exercise improved “learning memory, planning and problem solving, concentration” and “verbal fluency” in participants aged 18 to […]

Dairy Consumption Linked to Obesity

It’s frightening that over one-third of American adults are obese. But even more frightening are the statistics showing that an increasing number of children suffer from obesity. While several societal factors are at play, the USDA Dietary Guidelines on dairy may not be helping, as a 2012 literature review has uncovered a biological link between […]

Sleep Cold, Sleep Better

Most are aware that sleep quality has an impact on health and cognitive function. But did you know that the temperature of the room you sleep in also matters? In fact, those who sleep in hot environments tend to have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This may explain why ICU patients sleep so […]
