After nearly a year of planning, researching, and writing, the LG team is excited to announce the upcoming release of our special edition, “Can We Trust the Bible?” We believe that God led the way in allowing this magazine to be released right now during the COVID-19 pandemic. كونكر خدمة العملاء This highly thought-provoking magazine seeks to answer the question: As a pandemic threatens our lives and our livelihoods, is the Bible even relevant? العاب على النت
In the lead article, “Ahead of Their Time,” we connect the Bible’s health laws to the current pandemic, showing how principles of the Bible—many of which have now been scientifically confirmed—could have helped prevent such widespread infectious illnesses. It also emphasizes the reliability of the Bible’s health laws and how they can strengthen our bodies to resist sickness. If the Bible’s principles of health are accurate, couldn’t we also trust its other claims?
Here’s just a taste of what you will find in the rest of this magazine’s pages:
So, what are you waiting for? Get your copy of “Can We Trust the Bible?” And grab some for your friends and family as well! Just give us a call at (540) 672-5671 or email
More than ever before, we need to know why the Bible is trustworthy!