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Reach a Prisoner with Truth

Last Generation // October 1, 2020

Who is ministering to prisoners? Perhaps you are not able to visit prisoners in person, but you can send a magazine missionary in your stead! The influence of one magazine is greater than you can imagine! contraindicaciones de la ivermectina

Here's a note we recently received from a man named Aaron:

My name is Aaron ________. I’m currently in Pam Lychner prison/state jail. I was blessed enough to read volume 29.6, "Sexual Purity from the Inside Out." I was hoping that you could put me on a list to receive your Last Generation magazine. I sent home the copy I had so my kids could read it. durvet ivermectin paste equine dewormer

Want to bless people like Aaron and his family? does ivermectin hurt dogs Partner with us in sending magazines to prisoners by supporting our prisoner literature fund.

To obtain more copies of "Sexual Purity from the Inside Out" to share with your friends and family, visit our online store. If you are a subscriber to the digital edition, you can also read the issue in the archives.
