Are you a literature missionary?
Some people are very creative in finding ways to spread God’s truth-filled literature however they can! Nancy* is one of them!
Nancy is 85 years old and shared with us how many years ago, the doctors diagnosed her with a rare condition which gave her only a few weeks to live. This was very devastating and she pleaded with God that if He would extend her life, she would dedicate it to spreading His literature. God heard her prayer and gave her much longer than a few weeks of life! Sixty-six years later, she’s still happily working for Him!
Nancy has come up with some very creative ways of fulfilling her promise to God! Whenever the UPS delivery person comes, she gives them a Last Generation magazine or book. For each bill (insurance, electricity, phone, etc) she receives, when she sends in her check, a tract or magazine gets included, as well. At the pharmacy for medicine, she hands the clerk a magazine or book.
One of the places she pays regular bills to recently complained that they didn’t appreciate the “extras” she was including with her payment. “If you don’t want my literature, you don’t need my business,” she replied, and continued to send it!
She added, “We have so little time left to work and I want to do my small part to help finish God’s work! Every person I meet is a potential candidate for the kingdom!”
Though Nancy never knows what will be the result of her efforts, she keeps right on and someday will see what God has done through her.
My favorite author says, “Leaflets containing the light of present truth should be scattered among the people like the leaves of autumn. To many… these leaflets would be as the leaves of the tree of life…” Publishing Ministry, page 347.
How are you being a literature missionary? We would love to hear from you!
Send us an email at or call us at 540-672-5671. Or even send us a good old-fashioned letter at:
Last Generation, 444 Hartland Oak Dr., Rapidan, VA 22733.
Check out our store for great ideas of magazines you can use!
*Not her real name.