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The Prisoner's Friend

Teresa Hargreaves // February 7, 2020

Everyone loves visiting a friend! The happy times of sharing together, talking, laughing, and catching up on life do something to cheer a lonely heart.

Yet for some people like Ed, a prisoner in Florida, visits from friends are rare. Recently, he wrote to us at Last Generation: “This may sound weird, but when your magazine arrives, it literally feels like a friend has come to visit me. … Perhaps it’s because I’m incarcerated right now and finding a friend is hard, but reading your magazine brings me warmth and hope.”

Imagine not having the comfort of sharing with a friend and yet finding “warmth and hope,” as Ed said, through the magazine!

He continued, “I read every article and look up all the Scriptures. With pen in hand, I take notes and underline the verses in my Bible.”

As this little note reveals, God is using Last Generation magazine in many ways to brighten the lives of prisoners and to bring His message of truth to them.

Perhaps you would like to share the gift of a “silent friend” with a prisoner. ivermectin or strongid wormer for horses Last Generation has a free literature fund which is used to send magazines to people like Ed who cannot afford to purchase their own copy. To contribute to this cause and share truth-filled literature with eager prisoners, visit our Donate page.
