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Evolving Towards Extinction?

A plant geneticist explains why most DNA mutations do not support the theory of evolution.

By Don Batten

Plant geneticist Dr. John Sanford began working as a research scientist at Cornell University in 1980. He coinvented the “gene gun” approach to genetic engineering.

Dr. Sanford was an evolutionist but changed his mind.

“I was totally sold on evolution. It was my religion; it defined how I saw everything; it was my value system and my reason for being. Later, I came to believe in God, but this still did not significantly change my intellectual outlook regarding origins. However, still later, as I began to personally know and submit to Jesus, I started to be fundamentally changed—in every respect. This included my mind, and how I viewed science and history. I would not say that science led me to the Lord. Rather I would say Jesus opened my eyes to His creation—I was blind, and gradually I could see.”

Is an evolutionary viewpoint necessary for doing biological research

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