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Check out the Extra Article (Not in Print Copy)

Teresa Hargreaves // April 30, 2021

Did you have a chance to read the digital edition article by Dr. Karl Tsatalbasidis? This article was not included in your print copy, so don't forget to log in to your digital account and read it! ivermectin homelab

Below is a sneak preview!

Salvation in the Sanctuary

The heavenly sanctuary illuminates the joint efforts of all three divine Persons in our salvation from sin.

Controversies about the Trinity have been raging for almost two thousand years. Unfortunately, they are not just a matter of history—many people today are still confused about the Godhead. ivermectin 10 lb dog

Since all realities interconnect with God, holding false views about Him has countless implications for us. Yet, when we allow the Bible to speak for itself, the functions of the Holy Spirit within the Godhead become evident. We will explore a mostly overlooked biblical perspective that perfectly illustrates the concerted actions of the three divine Persons in the plan of salvation.

Don't hesitate to read the rest of this amazing article here.
