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Salvation in the Sanctuary

The heavenly sanctuary illuminates the joint efforts of all three divine Persons in our salvation from sin.

By Dr. Karl Tsatalbasidis

Controversies about the Trinity have been raging for almost two thousand years. Unfortunately, they are not just a matter of history—many people today are still confused about the Godhead.

Since all realities interconnect with God, holding false views about Him has countless implications for us. Yet, when we allow the Bible to speak for itself, the functions of the Holy Spirit within the Godhead become evident. We will explore a mostly overlooked biblical perspective that perfectly illustrates the concerted actions of the three divine Persons in the plan of salvation.

Act 1—The Burning Bush and Beyond

At the burning bush, God made His grand introduction to the children of Israel through Moses: “I AM WHO I AM.… The Lord God of your fathers…. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.” Ex. 3:14, 15. I AM is synonymous with the Lord God—with existence, eternity, and

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About the author

Dr. Karl Tsatalbasidis is an ordained minister who has served as a pastor since 1993, taught at Ouachita Hills College, and now teaches at Hartland College. He has lectured internationally on various subjects connected to the sanctuary.
