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The Last Word

Dry Bones

Have you ever met someone that seemed as dead as a skeleton? Or felt that way yourself?

By Betsy Mayer

There’s something very final about a skeleton. We could even say hopeless. If you met up with the sorry skeletal remains of a human being, you might call the police, but you would never call an ambulance. 

So, imagine God taking you in vision to a valley filled with the dry bones of all the people you love and asking you, “Do you think there’s any hope of life here?” Ez. 37:3. This was the prophet Ezekiel’s experience, and he wisely answered, “God, only you would know.” Humanly speaking, Ezekiel knew that seeing living people emerge from a pile of bones would be nothing short of a miracle.

Next, God tells Ezekiel to “prophesy” His Word to the bones as though they were real people: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh

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About the author

Betsy Mayer is the managing editor of Last Generation magazine.
