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Vol. 33 No. 3

The Future of Money

Articles in this issue

Thou Shalt Not Gamble

While you won’t find this in the Ten Commandments, the Bible forbids gambling. Here’s why.

Hidden Treasure

Based on the parable of Matthew 13:44

The Gratitude Attitude

Plug into this unbeatable perspective and you’ll reap powerful mental and physical resilience despite adversity.

The Future of Money

The battle for the control of money is heating up. Does the Bible give any guidance on how we should respond?

The Night Great-Grandfather Lost the Farm

Every time I hear the word gambling, chills go up and down my spine. It reminds me of a tragic family story and the lessons we all learned from it.

The Confession of Miss Clancy

The true story of an elderly Irish lady who trusted God completely

Eight Tips for Debt Reduction

No Pit Too Deep

Whatever our situation, God wants to connect with us.

Overcoming My Fear of Dark Forces

It was not until I was a young adult that I learned how much more powerful Jesus is than the demons who harassed me at night.

How to Make Prayer Work

Have you ever felt like prayer didn’t accomplish anything? Here are some important steps to a prayer life that brings results!

Give Us Our Daily Bread

The last slice of bread had been eaten and the cupboards were bare.

Behold the Man

World history can be rightly understood and appreciated only in light of the influence of Jesus Christ.

10 Tips to Budget-Wise, Plant-Powered Eating

Life Lines

Health News You Can Use

These Times

A penetrating look at current events in light of Bible prophecy


These hard-working flowers contain many life lessons.

The Money Test

Would receiving a large, unexpected sum of money change you for better or worse?
