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Tell Of His Power

Practical Spiritual Lessons from Plants

The way to grow and flourish spiritually is modeled for us in nature.

By Ellen G. White

Not all the wisdom and skill of man can produce life in the smallest object in nature. It is only through the life which God Himself has imparted that either plant or animal can live. So it is only through the life from God that spiritual life is begotten in the hearts of men. Unless a man is “born from above,” he cannot become a partaker of the life which Christ came to give. John 3:3, margin.

As with life, so it is with growth. It is God who brings the bud to bloom and the flower to fruit. It is by His power that the seed develops, “first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.” Mark 4:28. Jesus bids us “consider the lilies how they grow.” Luke 12:27. The plants and flowers do not grow by their own care or anxiety or effort, but by receiving

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About the author

Ellen G. White (1827‒1915) was a Christian educator, author, and speaker whose writings have been translated into over 100 languages worldwide. Adapted from Steps to Christ, “Growing Up Into Christ.”
