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Tell Of His Power

The Book That Changed My Life

I found it in a cave while living as a recluse and never dreamed that it would lead me into full-time gospel ministry.

By Doug Batchelor

EDITOR’S PROLOGUE: In his quest for fulfillment, acceptance, and love, Doug Batchelor attended 14 schools in nine years. Finally, at age 16, he rejected society altogether and moved into a cave alone in the San Jacinto Mountains near Palm Springs, California. There, he discovered a dusty Bible lying on a rock shelf in the cave. For a while, he left it there.

Discovering the Truth

The novelty of cave life eventually wore off, and not much was happening. Surrounded by the grandeur of nature, my thoughts turned more to God. I longed for that elusive inner peace that had brought me to this place in the beginning. One day I took the Bible down from the rock shelf and wiped off the dust.

Even though I struggled with the outdated language, the stories captivated me. It seemed that a divine Presence stood by my side, impressing me that this was truth

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  1. Adapted from The Richest Caveman: The Doug Batchelor Story. Used by permission. To obtain this book, please visit

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About the author

Doug Batchelor is the president of Amazing Facts International, a worldwide Media Ministry.
