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Tell Of His Power

Susanna’s Story

Susanna’s faith in God’s protection was greater than her fear of death threats.

By Hannah Jobe

Susanna is a Bible worker in South India. She takes care of churches in two strongly Hindu villages. The leaders in one village hate her because every time she makes a new friend, someone new gives their life to Jesus. 

The leaders told all the other villagers not to trust her: “She doesn’t care about you, and she doesn’t want to be your friend; all she wants to do is change your religion.”

Susanna did not let their lies stop her. She did love these people, and she wanted to share with them that Jesus loved them too and died for each one of them. So, she kept praying, and God kept opening doors.

One of the leaders hated her so much that he determined in his heart to find her and beat her so she would leave. He would purify his village from all her Christian

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About the author

Reprinted with permission from Jesus for Asia, a ministry that supports the spreading of the gospel throughout Southeast Asia and India. Visit to learn more!
