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Vol. 31 No. 6

Honor. Submit. Obey

Articles in this issue

Raising Bread and Children

Like a bread pan, a parent must set limits in all directions except one.

Whatever Happened to Parental Authority?

What the Bible says about one of parents’ most sacred trusts

Honoring and Adulting

Does the fifth commandment require that adult children continue to submit to their parents’ authority?

Submitting to Each Other

For the sake of unity in the family, in the community, and in the church, the Bible not only calls us to submit to God but also to one another.

The Two Swords

As the sword of civil justice has been put in the hands of the civil government, so the sword of God’s Word has been given to the church.

The Hero of Hacksaw Ridge

Desmond T. Doss, the only conscientious objector to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, clearly understood that God’s authority comes before any commanding officer’s authority.

Standing for the Right

How should God’s people stand for what is right as well as for their own rights?

A Legacy of Persecution

Those of us who worship freely cannot claim to be true followers of Jesus unless we also identify with His persecuted children.

A New Kind of Prison Ministry

An arrest turned into an opportunity for police officers to hear the truth.

Susanna’s Story

Susanna’s faith in God’s protection was greater than her fear of death threats.

Stepchildren of the Reformation

In the 16th century a handful of Christians rediscovered a truth which they were unwilling to compromise and which the Christian world wasn’t ready to tolerate.

Why Christians Persecuted Christians

Catholics persecuted Protestants, and Protestants persecuted Catholics. Protestants even persecuted other Protestants.

Did You Know Hummingbirds Cry?

As I mourned the brokenness in my life, God used a hummingbird to teach my perfectionist heart a lesson.

The Evening Fast

Could eating late at night be sabotaging your sleep and weight control?

These Times

A penetrating look at current events in light of Bible prophecy


Health News You Can Use

Civil Disobedience 1571 BC

Two midwives who feared God more than they feared Pharaoh changed the course of history.
