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Nature: the Quirky, the Wonderful, and the Astounding!

Is the world we live in the result of random chance or careful design? Let’s ask the animals and see where their testimony leads.

Darwin’s Darling Theory

For over 160 years, science has clung dogmatically to the theory of evolution as the only “plausible” explanation of origins.

Blind Chance or Divine Design?

Does it really matter how life began?

Blueprint for Life

Your genome contains your unique DNA—the full instructions for making you!

Exquisitely Balanced?

Our planet, our solar system, our galaxy, and even the universe itself appear fine-tuned to support life.

Evolving Towards Extinction?

A plant geneticist explains why most DNA mutations do not support the theory of evolution.

“In the Beginning…”

Seven reasons why belief in the Bible’s account of Creation really matters

A Personal Encounter with Your Creator

What a great difference it makes to invite the Creator into your life!

My Divine U-Turn

I left home that morning with the perfect plan to end my life. But God’s plan was different.
