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Life of Faith

The Lifegiver Steps In

Without Jesus’ intervention, death would be the final word.

By Gillian Bethel

If we could travel back to the creation of the first human, we would notice that he isn’t brought into existence at God’s command like the fish, birds, trees, and stars were.1 Instead, God comes personally and forms the man, then gently breathes life into him. And because He wants to connect with human beings in close relationship, He creates them in His own image.2

But there’s something very poignant here that we must not miss. The Creator has also designed human beings with the option to break that connection. With foreknowledge, He’s aware they will do just that, causing themselves great suffering.

Why does He create humans, then? It’s because He also knows their wonderful potential. And why is the creation of the first human so poignant? Because humanity’s Creator is God the Son, the Lifegiver. We know Him as Jesus. And while

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  1. Ps. 33:9

  2. Gen. 1:26; 2:7.

  3. Gen. 3:1-6.

  4. 1 Pet. 1:18-20.

  5. Mal. 4:1-3. Rom. 3:24; Matt. 13:46.

  6. Rom. 3:23.

  7. Rom. 3:24; Matt. 13:46.

  8. John 14:9.

  9. Luke 7:11-15.

  10. Matt. 27:46.

  11. Luke 23:34.

  12. 2 Cor. 5:19.

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