By Betsy Mayer
After his last of three widely publicized and failed predictions for the end of the world (October 21, 2011), famous Christian radio host Harold Camping finally conceded that his attempts to predict such a date were “sinful,” and that his critics had been right in emphasizing the words of Matthew 24:36: “Of that day and hour knoweth no man.”
But that won’t be the last date set for Christ’s return or for the end of the world. Recently, even people who weren’t religious thought that “the end” might come on December 31, 2012, when the Mayan calendar ran out.
Is there a prophecy in the Bible that gives clues about when the end of the world will be? Yes. However, the Bible does not teach that we will know a precise date or day for the return of Jesus and the end of the world. In fact, as quoted above
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Betsy Mayer is the managing editor of Last Generation.