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Truth in the Age of Disinformation

Last Generation // November 6, 2020

Christians are not immune to the post-truth culture. The Bible warns us repeatedly that we must be avid truth-seekers, or we will be deceived. See 2 Thess. 2:910. This is because our enemy, the devil, works through deception. His most insidious tactic is to tempt us to live with known sin in our lives, blunting our awareness of his lies. In fact, if we cling to sin, we will eventually accept that our previous convictions of sin were misguided. And we will look for “teachers” to tell us that God and His Word agree with our feelings. See 2 Tim. 4:3

Our only safety is to seek truth and not trade it for anything. Then, treasure it, live by it, and share it! 

That's a thought from the editorial, “Lie to Me,” in our latest issue! You won't want to miss this highly relevant topic: Truth in the Age of Disinformation!

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