It depends on what we mean by social justice and how we plan to achieve it. Justice is mentioned throughout the Bible because it’s part of God’s character. God is just, merciful, longsuffering, and forgiving. In short, God is love. Because He is also all these things at the same time, God’s justice can never be separated from His love. Therefore, the social justice that God approves of will reflect God’s love.
The social justice required in the Bible is to individually and collectively treat all people according to the rule of love in all our dealings with them, especially our enemies. We’re not to behave rudely, but to have respect. We’re to seek the good of others before our own. We’re not to think evil but to think the best of everyone. See Luke 6:27-36; Zech. 7:10.
That’s a thought from the Question and Answer section in our latest issue! Don’t miss out on all the relevant information found in “The Cry for Justice.”
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