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These Times

A penetrating look at current events in light of Bible prophecy

Only Trust Him

After serving the Ugandan people for several years, we were finally going home! But the children and I weren’t at all impressed with God’s timing.

An Unsung Biological Hero

What you may not know about plain old H2O!

Dry Bones

Have you ever met someone that seemed as dead as a skeleton? Or felt that way yourself?

Life Lines

Health News You Can Use

The Watchmen

Every night the headhunters came to the missionaries’ house armed for attack, and every night they found a double row of watchmen with glittering weapons.

Barnabas—Son of Comfort

Of the many converts that joined the apostles, Barnabas especially became known for his generous and encouraging spirit.

The Cry for Justice!

New research on babies reveals the early roots of both empathy and prejudice and offers insights on the search for social justice.

Is Social Justice Biblical?
