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Immerse yourself in the rich treasury of a conifer forest and absorb its many lessons.

Hope for Nara’s People

Those with fewer chances at earthly justice can more boldly claim the promises of God!

Daniel—Friend of Kings

He was a young Hebrew captive, yet the greatest rulers of heaven and earth told him their secrets.

When Truth Has Fallen in the Street

How to discern what’s right in a society saturated with lies

Walking in the Light

I Was a Transgender Woman

The reprieve provided by surgery and life as a woman was only temporary.

Two Women in Pursuit of Truth

Does the way we seek truth matter? Two symbolic French women offer us a poignant answer.

Satan’s Deceptive Masterpiece

The father of lies has been employing "deepfakes" since the beginning of time.

In Love With the Truth

Only an ardent love for truth can keep us from deception.
