The Mark of the Beast
What is it?
It’s a question of human versus Divine authority.
At Creation—more than two thousand years before Sinai—God blessed the seventh day as a day of worship and rest for all people.
When the vast majority is worshiping the beast, only a remnant will escape his mark and the plagues that follow. How can we be among them?
Will they be tormented in the lake of fire forever?
Christ died and rose again so that we can receive a heart like His—filled with unselfish love for God and others.
When God sends His end-time judgments upon the earth, He will seal and protect all those who choose His mark of authority.
Choosing to obey God’s Sabbath commandment isn’t always easy, but Johnny White and Ron Sutton both found that God honors those who honor Him.
Here’s what God taught me about training children to be reverent in church.