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Tell Of His Power

The Watchmen

Every night the headhunters came to the missionaries’ house armed for attack, and every night they found a double row of watchmen with glittering weapons.

Throughout Scripture we catch frequent glimpses of angels, tireless in their ministry to man. At times, they appeared in a form that is visible to the natural eye; but more often they were seen in visions or dreams. Sometimes, they came in the guise of men so that, as the apostle says, men entertaining strangers “have entertained angels unawares.” Heb. 13:2.

The men and women of Bible times to whom the angels ministered have passed away. But where are the angels now? Still alive, thank God; and still going back and forth between heaven and earth as in ancient days. Here is just one example. 

Hostile Surroundings

When the Dutch missionary Pastor Von Asselt arrived on the island of Sumatra in 1856, he was the first European missionary to go among the wild Battaks. Twenty years prior, two American missionaries had come to them with the gospel; but the missionaries had

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Adapted from pp. 24–27 of The Hand That Intervenes by William A. Spicer. 
