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Vol. 32 No. 6

Deliver Us From Evil

Articles in this issue

A Disciple Named Ananias

Meet the man God sent to the repentant persecutor Saul.

Powerful Promises

Let them transform your life!

Whatever Became of Sin?

Modern men and women have tried to get rid of their guilty consciences by abandoning the concept of sin.

Solving Our Sin Problem

Through the sanctuary, God reveals His wonderful plan to destroy sin without destroying those He loves.

Amazing, Spectacular, Saving Faith!

God promises to fill us with faith so powerful that it overcomes every temptation the devil throws at us.

The Message the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know

When God sends an important message to our world, the enemy tries to divert attention from it by feeding false information.

Pictures of God’s Love

Studying the Jewish sanctuary service helps us visualize what Jesus is doing for us now in the heavenly sanctuary.

Inherit the Glory

After evil is eternally destroyed, God promises to re-create a brand-new world with no pain, sin, death, or sadness as an inheritance for His children.

Honoring God in Your Will

Christians should plan now for the best use of their resources after their death.

The Day My Dressmaker Prayed

“I think I will commit suicide,” I told my dressmaker. “I can’t live with this pain!”


Health News you can use

Metabolic Syndrome: A Cluster of Troubles

Grapes come in clusters, and so do lifestyle diseases.

These Times

A penetrating look at current world events in light of Bible prophecy

Lessons from Horse Training

Once a horse trusts her trainer, she stops going in circles and becomes willing to learn.

“Deliver Us from Evil"

Jesus showed us how to live in a world turned upside down without being tainted by its influence or drawing apart in self-righteous isolation.
