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Wee Little Big Man

The biggest little crook in town meets Jesus.

By Frank R. Lemon

Zacchaeus is known to many as the little man who “climbed up in a sycamore tree, for the Lord he wanted to see.” To his contemporaries, he was a big crook on a small chassis.

Nature somehow forces little men to look more to their wits than to their muscle if they are to survive in a world where big is associated with success, and small with weakness and inadequacy. Unfortunately, some little people, in their obsession to succeed, overcompensate and become little tyrants. Instead of admiration, they receive fear and contempt, driving them still deeper into feelings of inadequacy and failure.

Chief of Rogues

As hard as Zacchaeus had tried, his name had never made it onto the list of social elite in Judea. Never mind that he was the richest man in town and held awesome power over the city’s economics. He was in the wrong profession

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