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Life of Faith

The Rat Story

I decided going to bed was out of the question until I eliminated the stench.

By Katie LeBlanc

What’s that smell?

Never mind! I needed to get ready to attend a wedding, and there just wasn’t time to hunt around my sparsely furnished room to figure out where the stench was coming from. As it was, my housemate and I were late, and our local friend who would show us the way was getting a bit impatient!

We were soon out the door and on our way. Bright lights, pounding music, and splendidly attired bridesmaids and groomsmen greeted us when we arrived—a typical Khmer wedding reception. A few hours later, we dismissed ourselves and headed home.

Stepping back into my room, I was again assaulted by that horrid stench—only now it was worse! Going to bed was out of the question until it was eliminated, so I began hunting for its source. It wouldn’t be hard to find, so I pulled out a

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About the author

Katie LeBlanc was a student missionary in Cambodia at the time of this story. She is currently studying at Hartland College and is the production assistant for Last Generation magazine.
