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Life of Faith

Lessons From the Last Night in Sodom

Before God sends His judgments, He always sends a warning.

By Betsy Mayer

The late afternoon sun idles through the tree-lined streets of Sodom as tired merchants ready their shops for closing. A distinguished man takes a seat at the city gate, a self-appointed welcoming committee of one.

Two men in travel-worn garments enter. The citizens of Sodom brush past them unconcerned as they hurry to their homes.

“Welcome to our beautiful city!” The distinguished man bows in respect. “My name is Lot. May I provide you with lodging and refreshment?”

“Thank you, but we will be fine resting on a side street.”

Lot lowers his voice, “It isn’t safe to stay in these streets. Plus, my wife is the best cook in town. I insist!” And before they can decline again, he gently steers them through the crowded streets toward his home.

Despite Lot’s caution, wicked persons have noted the encounter.

Lot’s wife and daughters greet their guests kindly

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About the author

Betsy Mayer is the managing editor of Last Generation magazine.
