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To disregard the dark history of the Inquisition is to imperil our hard-won civil and religious freedoms.

Don’t Go on a Diet

Make changes that will fuel a lifelong journey of health.

Life Lines

Health news you can use.

These Times

A penetrating look at current events in light of Bible prophecy.

Jet Fighters of the Insect World

Dragonflies remind me of the armor of God and His power to overcome the enemy of my soul.

“Lie to Me”

What happens when we are only willing to accept a version of truth that aligns with our feelings?

Can Dead People Talk?

Does the intelligent part of our nature continue after we die? Can our dead loved ones still communicate with us?

Captive to a Calling: The William Wilberforce Story

But for the grace of God, the political leader of the British anti-slavery movement would have been just another self-absorbed aristocrat.

A Soldier for Christ

Surrendering to Christ changed Di Yay’s desire for justice into a longing to glorify God.
