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God’s Plan for Nature

How should we care for our planet in light of Bible prophecies of its future destruction?

By Matthew Priebe

Take a look at the world around you. What do you see? This planet is filled with animals and plants that are almost infinite in their variety and design. Are they beyond our concern and not really that important? Or are they intertwined with our lives in ways we have yet to fully understand?

God created this world and gave it to humanity. So aren’t we free to use it as we see fit? But God also gave us free choice, which means that our actions have consequences. Our choices affect ourselves, those around us, and the world where we live. Are we treating the world responsibly, or have we mismanaged our duty?

God’s Covenant with Nature

In the beginning, God made the earth, the plants, the animals, and humans. “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good.” Gen. 1:31. The world is

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About the author

Matthew Priebe is a naturalist who focuses on animal behavior and the diversity of life that God has made. He and his wife created Ask the Animals Productions to provide creative and stimulating media promoting God’s special creation. This article is available in video form as part of the 3-DVD set “Spotlights on Creation.” His presentation “Animals, Ethics & Christianity” also explores these issues in greater depth. It is available in book, DVD, and Kindle e-book formats.
