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Travel Testimony

With my mom’s 60th birthday approaching, I decided that one of the best gifts I could give her was to show up unexpectedly at my parents’ place to celebrate. So I booked my ticket to fly to Alabama and began making plans. As I packed my bags, I included several copies of Last Generation magazine. […]

Special Fall Discount!

If you haven't already, take advantage of our special fall discount to increase your missionary efforts! Right now, through October 20th, we are offering you 20% off of items below with the code OCT20%: Purchase two or more subscriptions to Last Generation magazine. Subscribe before 10/20/20 and receive “Truth in the Age of Disinformation” as your first issue.  Buy any quantity of our […]

News Flash: Miracle at Last Generation

We have the most amazing answer to prayer to share with you! During office prayer last Monday, we specifically prayed that God would bless our upcoming issue of Last Generation magazine, “Truth in the Age of Disinformation,” as it was going to go through final approval for printing that same day. We also prayed for […]

Reach a Prisoner with Truth

Who is ministering to prisoners? Perhaps you are not able to visit prisoners in person, but you can send a magazine missionary in your stead! The influence of one magazine is greater than you can imagine! contraindicaciones de la ivermectina Here's a note we recently received from a man named Aaron: My name is Aaron […]

"The DNA of a True Christian" and Other Free Articles

Did you know that you can now read a number of free articles from each issue of Last Generation? You won't want to miss these ones from our latest issue, "You Can Be An Overcomer": The DNA of a True Christian How did two men who couldn’t speak each other’s language know they were both […]

Dairy Consumption Linked to Obesity

It’s frightening that over one-third of American adults are obese. But even more frightening are the statistics showing that an increasing number of children suffer from obesity. While several societal factors are at play, the USDA Dietary Guidelines on dairy may not be helping, as a 2012 literature review has uncovered a biological link between […]

Magazine Missionaries

In Oregon, a Seventh-day Adventist unfamiliar with Last Generation who also works for the post office found a number of copies of Can We Trust the Bible? in the reception area trashcan. Unknown to her, a fellow member in her area had sponsored the mailing, and box holders who weren’t interested had thrown them out […]

Don't Miss This Limited Time Special Offer!

Our latest magazine issue "You Can Be An Overcomer!" is one you won't want to miss! Delving into the biblical concept of righteousness by faith, it will answer your questions about what practical Christianity is supposed to look like and what it really means to have victory over sin. ألعاب لربح المال الحقيقي 2023 If […]

Sleep Cold, Sleep Better

Most are aware that sleep quality has an impact on health and cognitive function. But did you know that the temperature of the room you sleep in also matters? In fact, those who sleep in hot environments tend to have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This may explain why ICU patients sleep so […]

Last Generation Unmasked!

A few weeks ago, Teresa, our sales and subscription manager, was checking the office voicemail when she came across this message: “Hello! I recently received your magazine Can We Trust the Bible? and I’m wondering if there is a Sabbath-keeping church nearby.” The caller had read the article “Ahead of Their Time” about the Bible’s […]
