Why did Jesus ask His disciples to save the leftovers after miraculously providing food for thousands of people?
Why a correct biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit matters
What is the power behind God’s Word? How does studying the truths of the Bible transform our characters?
What the Holy Spirit did for a fearful group of disciples hiding in the upper room, He can still do for you!
One man’s willingness to die for truth laid the foundation for a worldwide movement of freedom.
Right before Jesus returns, the Holy Spirit will once again empower God’s people to share the gospel in a blaze of glory.
The heavenly sanctuary illuminates the joint efforts of all three divine Persons in our salvation from sin.
Why a young Christian woman broke off her engagement to a seemingly wonderful Christian man.
After serving the Ugandan people for several years, we were finally going home! But the children and I weren’t at all impressed with God’s timing.
Have you ever met someone that seemed as dead as a skeleton? Or felt that way yourself?