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Escaping the Prison of Porn

It’s not a life sentence —there’s a path to freedom!

By Gillian Bethel

Men and women who have fought pornography’s hold on their lives will tell you that it is extremely addicting: it promises instant pleasure, escape, and sexual fulfillment. Like any addiction, it seems attractive at first but eventually becomes a cruel taskmaster that won’t let go. It destroys relationships and self-respect and turns people into sex objects. The good news is that it’s possible to escape the prison of pornography with help from a compassionate Friend—the God who is Love.

Path to freedom

Take an honest inventory of what’s happening. What is porn doing to you, your family, and friendships, and what is it leading you into?

Talk to God about it honestly. Admit what’s happening and how you feel. Ask for His help.

Recognize that God values and loves you in spite of everything. He offers forgiveness; He’s willing to make you clean

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  1. CBN, “Breaking Free from the Grip of Pornography,” Feb. 10, 2014.
