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New Testament

The Trial of Jesus

An allegory based on the gospels

People pushed and craned their necks to catch a glimpse of the accused. The Man stood tall. His back was lacerated, His brow dripping with blood, yet His eyes betrayed only forgiveness towards His tormentors. Pontius Pilate lifted his arm and called for silence.

Ecce homo!* What shall I do with Jesus, who is called the Messiah?”

One of the priests spat and shrieked, “He’s a sinner, a liar and blasphemer! He calls Himself the Son of God. Crucify the impostor!”

Simon Peter spoke up: “We know this Man. We lived with Him for three and a half years! There is no sin in Him. He’s blameless! Who among you can accuse Him of any sin?”

A deathly hush fills the room.

John, another disciple, piped up: “He is the Christ indeed! He washed our feet and taught us to love our enemies. Foxes have holes and birds

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